Our Farm Blog

Monday, 24 November 2014

A Beneficial Brew!

A Beneficial Brew

"From bitter to fruity and mellow, these teas will warm you up, give you energy and benefit your skin" says Kate Shapland of the Telegraph Magazine. Featured as an antioxidant rich and skin friendly tea, our Pure Green Loose is proving a hit with the health and wellbeing conscious consumer.

Our Pure Green tea is grown and produced exclusively on our Tinderet farm, known as the place of lightening high in the Kenyan hills. Tinderet is famed for its beautiful floral teas and our Pure Green is manufactured differently to many other green teas, being made without fermentation. Fresh tea leaves are withered, cut and rolled then dried, maintaining all of the beneficial antioxidants and imparting a subtle, mellow and refreshing taste.

Tea's contain protective plant based antioxidants called Polyphenols, within which is a family of flavonoids that includes anthocyanin and catechin. Green and Purple teas from Kenya retain higher levels of antioxidants than teas from other origins due to their unique growing conditions and tea bush varieties imparting higher levels of polyphenols. These polyphenols have a 'radical scavenging capacity' helping to clear the body of harmful radicals and can help aid sense of health and wellbeing, perfect for feeling good in the cold and gloomy winter months!

#teafarmers #kateshapland #telegraphmagazine #beneficialbrew #beautynotebook